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Balda Baldessa Ib
France Version française
Photos by JPHB text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of JPHB. Last update 2023-11-09 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany from 1958 to (After) 1958.
Index of rarity in France: Infrequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 10111

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Balda 

The Baldessa cameras appear to be the successors to the Baldina, with the introduction of the former coinciding with the disappearance of the latter in catalogs.
The Baldessa models have a simple top cover because the film rewind crank is located under the base. There is also a key that replaces the film advance lever.
The standard lens is a 2.8/45 mm. The initial models have a rounded shape.

Non-exhaustive list Years Lens Shutter  

Baldessa I 1957- Baldanar
Prontor Single viewfinder
Baldessa I 1957- Color-Westanar
1 to 1/300
Baldessa I 1957- Color-Baldanar

1/25 to 1/200
Collimated viewfinder
Baldessa I Prontor-SVS
1 to 1/300
Baldessa Ia 1958- Color-Baldanar
1 to 1/300
Coupled rangefinder
Automatic parallax compensation
Baldessa Ib 1958- Color-Westanar
1 to 1/300
Light meter
Baldessa Ib
Baldessa RF >1961- Color-Isconar Prontor-SVS
1 to 1/500
Built-in flash
Coupled rangefinder
Baldessa RF/LK >1961- Color-Isconar Prontor 500 LK
1 to 1/500
Built-in flash
Coupled rangefinder
Baldessamat F >1961- Color-Isconar Prontor 500 LK
1 to 1/500
Built-in flash
Collimated viewfinder
Baldamatic 1960- Color-Baldanar Prontormat Coupled light meter
Super Baldamatic 1960 Color-Baldanar Compur
1/30 to 1/500
Coupled light meter
Baldamatic I 1958- Color-Westanar Prontor-SLK Coupled light meter
Coupled rangefinder
Baldamatic I   1958- Enna-Color-Haponit Synchro-Compur
Baldamatic I   1958- Baldanar Prontormat
Super Baldamatic I 1960- Color-Baldanar Compur
1/30 to 1/500
Coupled rangefinder
light meter
Super Baldamatic I   1960- Xenar
Baldamatic II 1960- Xenar Pronto-LK Coupled light meter
Coupled rangefinder
Baldamatic II 1960- Color-Baldanar Prontormat
Baldamatic II Pronto-LK
Baldamatic III 1960- - Synchro-Compur 1 to 1/500 Coupled light meter
Coupled rangefinder
Interchangeable lens

From the mid-1960s onward, the shape of the cameras changed, becoming more angular. The cameras became lighter due to the use of aluminum and plastic. Some models even appear to stem from outsourced manufacturing.

Non-exhaustive list Years Lens Shutter  

Baldessa Standard c. 1972 Color-Isconar Prontor 125 Collimated viewfinder
Baldessa F c. 1966 Color-Isconar Prontor 125 Built-in flash
Collimated viewfinder
Baldessa LF c.1966-72 Color-Isconar Prontor 125 Built-in flash
Collimated viewfinder
Baldessa LF
Baldessa F-LK c. 1968 Color-Isconar Prontor 300 LK Built-in flash
Coupled light meter

In the coding used by Balda, the letters have a meaning.

R Presence of a rangefinder
F Presence of a flash for AG-1 bulb
L Presence of a light meter (Lichtmeter)
K Specifies that the light meter is coupled

A patent filed in 1958 fairly illustrates the internal complexity of a camera resembling the Baldamatic Ib.


The French text contains wordplay that is untranslatable.

The wheel located under the window of the cell allows for adjusting the focus distance. On this particular model, the window is smaller than on others.

Balda Baldessa Ib

Cameras from Ebay France (Balda) (Uploaded each 3 hours)


30,00 euros
Finira le 20-07-2024 à 21:30:10

appareil photo BALDA SUPER MATIC OBJECTF BALDANAR 1: 2,8/45 obturateur COMPUR

35,00 euros
Finira le 20-07-2024 à 21:31:35